Job Opportunity in Factory, Tangerang

Explore your job target in Factory, Tangerang.

Lecturer of Polytechnic Gajah Tunggal

Location: Factory, Tangerang

Job Requirements:

  • Min. Master degree from Mechanical, Electrical, or Industrial Engineering with min GPA 3.00
  • Has experience as a Lecturer or Teacher
  • Having NIDN (Nomor Induk Dosen Nasional) is an advantage
  • Computer literate and proficient in English
  • Has a good presentation skill
  • Willing to be placed in our Polytechnic, Jatiuwung - Tangerang

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Driver Truk

Location: Factory, Tangerang

  • Minimal lulusan SMA/sederajat
  • Memiliki pengalaman bekerja minimal 3 tahun di pekerjaan terkait
  • Terampil mengoperasikan dan merawat truk
  • Memiliki minimal SIM B2

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Peserta Program Pemagangan

Location: Factory, Tangerang


    1. Usia minimum 18 tahun dan usia maksimum 22 tahun saat diproses seleksi.
    2. Lulus SMA/SMK sederajat.
    3. Tinggi badan minimum 160cm.
    4. Belum pernah mengikuti tes penerimaan karyawan/peserta magang di PT Gajah Tunggal Tbk.
    5. Kandidat bersedia mengikuti proses seleksi dan penempatan pemagangan yang ditentukan oleh PT Gajah Tunggal Tbk.
    6. Kandidat tidak dipungut biaya apapun!
    7. Periode magang selama 12 bulan (1 Tahun)
    8. Bersedia ditempatkan di Factory Gajah Tunggal, Jatiuwung - Tangerang
    9. Peserta magang yang sudah menyelesaikan program pemagangan memiliki kesempatan untuk mengikuti proses penerimaan sebagai karyawan PT. Gajah Tunggal Tbk sesuai kebutuhan perusahaan.

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Anggota Security

Location: Factory, Tangerang


  • Lulusan SMA/sederajat
  • Maksimum usia 25 tahun
  • Memiliki pengalaman bekerja sebagai Security atau petugas keamanan merupakan poin plus
  • Memiliki sertifikat Gada Pratama merupakan poin plus
  • Apabila belum memiliki Sertifikat Gada Pratama, bersedia mengikuti pelatihan-nya dengan biaya pribadi
  • Memiliki kepribadian jujur, bertanggung jawab, loyal dan berani

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HR - Learning and Development Assistant Manager

Location: Factory, Tangerang

Job Descriptions:

  • Manage and Develop System Assessment
  • Manage and Develop Tools Assessment
  • Manage and Develop after training program
  • Analyze the results of the assessment
  • Manage and Develop Assessment Center

Job Requirements:

  • Have minimum Bachelor Degree from Psychology
  • Have minimum 5 years of working experience, preferably in manufacturing industry
  • Have experience in learning design program
  • Have TOT Certification



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HR - Officer

Location: Factory, Tangerang

Job requirements:

  • Minimum Bachelor's Degree major in Psychology / Industrial Engineering / Human Resource Management
  • Maximum age 30 years old
  • Have minimum 3-5 years of working experience in Organizational Development, Talent Management or Assessment field
  • Have an experience in Manufacturing industries will be a plus point
  • Have experience in assessment developing will be a plus point
  • Have a good Interview skill with Behavioral Event or Competency-based interview technique
  • Have ability to operate Ms. Excel with formulas (Vlookup etc.)
  • Have a dynamic and adaptable personality
  • Have a high level of accuracy, intiative and open minded person
  • Fluent in English (written and oral)
  • Applicant must be willing to work at our Factory, Jatiuwung - Tangerang

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Quality Assurance Officer

Location: Factory, Tangerang

Job Requirements:

  • Minimum has Diploma's degree (3) in Engineering.
  • Has more than 1-5 years of experiences in related field.
  • Familiar with Customer quality manuals.
  • Familiar with IATF quality tools.
  • Familiar with Microsoft Office (outlook, word, excel, ppt, etc.)
  • Familiar with the processes of Tire Manufacturing.
  • Willingness to solve complicated problems to completion.
  • Analytical skills to study problems, records and identify solutions.
  • Team-oriented attitude to help other colleagues and departments with technical problems.
  • Strong interpersonal communication and relationship-building skills.
  • Fluent in English (Written and Verbal).

Job Descriptions:

  • First respond (customer feedback pre-analysis), give feedback to OEM customer. Quality representative.
  • Technical Analysis.
  • Leading OE side projects with cross function teams, market & field visit.
  • Handle Tire Development project

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